Lena | marathonscene.com


It’s Eurovision time this weekend and there is kind of a hype in Germany. The reason for that is a 19-year old girl called Lena, who might bring back some Eurovision-pride to Germany. Bookmakers see her in the top 5 (at least), so if you are in a country that is eligible to vote: Call for the German entry “Satellite” by Lena Meyer-Landrut. Germany: 12points.

How I got interested in the Eurovision song contest? Well, I guess it started when the Finnish metal band Lordi won the contest some years ago and brought the event to Helsinki. In general it seems to me that in the Nordic countries the Eurovision is more accepted and traditional than in Germany. During my time in Finland Eurovision was always a big event and that’s how I started to find out that it’s not only about folk and pop music.

For my part, I’m invited to a wedding today so most probably I will have to watch the review.