Waiting waiting | marathonscene.com

Waiting waiting

As an athlete waiting is one of the few things you’re not good in. You always want to improve and take steps forward. However, this is not always beneficial and being patient can actually save you a lot of time. At the moment I’m waiting to get in shape again. I just want to know if everything is alright with my body and after that I want to see how far I can push myself in training and competition to get back to the fitness level where I used to be in 2008.

The first small step is already taken as I’m back to 2 runs a day since monday. I did 15-25km/day with one shorter and one longer run. Speed is very low, i.e. around 5min/km.

Yesterday night I went out for the first time in a long time. There was a presentation of Malaysia and Indonesia from 2 international students in one of the local student clubs. A nice way to meet some international people, even though all of them spoke a fluent, good German. Being around people makes waiting easier, so I guess it’s not the worst idea to go out every now and then to make contacts that are not related to sports in the first place.