1. Zwickauer Firmenlauf (corporate run Zwickau): 4,2km – 13:54,9min (1st place) | marathonscene.com

1. Zwickauer Firmenlauf (corporate run Zwickau): 4,2km – 13:54,9min (1st place)

One day after running 9350m in 30min I had the next competition. My uncle asked me to run for his company in the first corporate run of my home town Zwickau. Of course I couldn’t say no, so I found myself with quite tired legs on the start line in downtown Zwickau on Thursday. I could win the pretty short race in 13:54,9min. The first of the three rounds I had some competition from the ultra-distance runner and world-championships participant Thomas König but already in the second round I found myself running alone even without pushing the pace too much. The legs were feeling ok, once they were rolling and also the atmosphere in the city was surprisingly good, so I couldn’t disappoint the home crowd ;)

Also our team “Heymann Mineralöle” won the team competition in the mixed category. Also in the team was another uncle of mine, an aunt and a cousin. As a family we will remember this event for a long time.
Here some pics:

After the first of three rounds (with running mate Thomas König).

just before the finnish – celebrating the victory.

There was also some media and I had to give some interviews – great fun.

Our team of Heymann Mineralöle

Talking to German marathon legend Jörg Peter (still holding the German marathon record with 2:08:47h from Tokio 1988) after the race.