Treadmill test No.2/2011 |

Treadmill test No.2/2011

Already last Wednesday I had the second treadmill test this year. However, the flu broke out one night before with a severe sore throat. Still I was giving it a shot because the days before I wasn’t feeling bad at all.

Already at the first stage I felt that I’m not completely fit and that the respiratory system couldn’t work as usual. After 3 stages I discontinued. The outcome of the test was proof enough that I was about to get sick and three days later I can only confirm this fact. Right now there is no reason to evaluate the results or compare them with the first test. Maybe I’ll have another test when I’m healthy again to draw some conclusions about my current shape.

The results were asĀ  follows:

16,6km/h (4,6m/s): heart rate – 166, lactate – 1,23 mmol/l

17,3km/h (4,8m/s): heart rate – 177, lactate – 2,26 mmol/l

18,0km/h (5,0m/s): heart rate – 187, lactate – 4,68 mmol/l